Our purpose

We tackle global challenges with the power of biotechnology and data science through business propositions that harness the planet’s biological resources. We foster a cultural transformation towards a vibrant dialogue between science, business, and government.

We need a radical change

The current state of our planet and the salient, accelerating, and accumulating events of recent decades -climate change, population growth, local food scarcity, global health setbacks, and evolving consumer preferences- demand that we reconsider the environmental impact of our actions and the structure and practices of our entire production system.

World population

Tons of waste dumped

World average

Number of child deaths
from poverty

Tons of CO2 emitted
Into the atmosphere

Data provided by www.theworldcounts.com

Why biotechnology?

We seek to advance changes in production technologies. We aim to improve existing processes and create new ones that meet demands related to human wellbeing via functional foods, fossil-fuel substitution, and climate change mitigation strategies.

Thanks to its high-caliber science and technology sector, Argentina is well positioned to be a leader of the global bio-revolution, contributing intangible assets to the international market.

The challenges


Ensuring an equitable and sustainable global food system.


Conserving biodiversity and redressing its loss.


Reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


Managing water efficiently and sustainably.


Replacing polluting technologies with clean, environmentally friendly alternatives.


Reducing the use of plastic.


Fostering the development of renewable energy technologies.


Growing innovations that enhance nutrition and eradicate disease.